Your Rose Gold Engagement Ring Buying Guide - Vintage Times

Rose Gold Engagement Rings are ideal for those who enjoy a distinct and modest appearance. The blush shade is a sought-after and distinctive preference, with the rose gold engagement ring complementing most skin tones and diamonds varying in form, cut, and color. Rose gold has become a common alternative for rose gold engagement with warmer-colored core diamonds. It has long been assumed that rose gold hides the warm tone of diamonds in the near-colorless to the subtle color spectrum. Since diamonds mirror their surroundings' colors, warmer diamonds tend to have a pink tint of warmth when set in rose gold, which is very lovely. If you choose, rose gold for your ring, or you decide to use a faint color diamond, a setting with platinum prongs will make the diamond show white from underneath when blending with the rose gold on the ring as seen from the top. The breathtaking contrast of colorless diamonds against the warm pink tone of rose gold is a...